Below are all the Conversations, News Posts, Events and Information Posts for the Administration category.
Please note that fees for the third payment of the 2020 school year are due by 31 July
The Clothing Pool is set to open next week
Back to school information: changes to the canteen service
iAssist Procedure – Staff iAssist Remote support in the event of Online Learning mode Date: 22nd March 2020 Background...
iAssist Procedure – Students iAssist support during online learning Date: 22nd March 2020 Background In light of recent government...
Nationally Consistent Collection of Data for Student with Disabilities
2020 Fees Reminder and Withdrawal Notice
Graham shares a letter from previous Headmaster and President of EREA, Br Paul Oakley
An opportunity for parents to purchase the current College uniform on sale
Waverley College is pleased to offer various fee payment options to our parents
Waverley College is now pleased to offer new School fee payment options to our parents
Reflecting on what boys are good at and the nine human intelligences when considering potential careers
2019/20 Fees Reminder and Withdrawal Notice
Graham discusses..........
Administration, Community,
Graham Leddie, Head of College, talks about May Procession, Guys and Dolls, Mother's Day Mass, Campus Updates, STEM USA Tour...
A message from the Head of College, Graham Leddie wraps up Term 1
Many of our students have expressed a strong desire to stand in solidarity with the people of Christchurch amid their...
The latest news from the Head of College, Graham Leddie.
Closing dates for applications to Waverley College in 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 and beyond. Apply online.
Academic, Administration, Enrolment,
From The Director of Business Services, Bryn Gregerson School fees for 2019 are due on the following dates 2019 ...
Administration, Uncategorized,
All the latest information about university open days and other career pathways.
Academic, Administration,
Graham Leddie on starting the new year and building resilience.
Academic, Administration, Community, Development, Wellbeing,
A refresher on safe and effective laptop use at Waverley College
Updated enrolment and application closing dates for Year 5 2020 Applications, Year 5 students transferring to Year 7 2020 and...
Academic, Administration, Community, Enrolment,
Upcoming Presentation Days and an important reminder about uniforms
Academic, Administration, Wellbeing,
A reminder of 2019 fee due dates and withdrawal notice requirements
Important information about fees and enrolment withdrawal dates
This week's update from the Head of College
Academic, Administration, Events, Extra-Curricular, Sport,
Assist at this year's HSC examinations
A note from the Director of Business Services
Administration, Enrolment,
Behaviour at sport and the College's Indigenous Education Program
Academic, Administration, Beliefs & Life, Sport,
Campus improvements, awards, achievements and events of note
Academic, Administration, Beliefs & Life, Community, Creative Arts, Events, Extra-Curricular, Junior School, Sport, Wellbeing,
Term 2 fees are now due
Thank you for a great Term 1, I wish all of our Year 12 students all the best with their...
Academic, Administration, Community, Sport,
Important information about the May Procession, winter uniforms and phasing out plastic bottles