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Week 6: Monday, 13 November – Sunday, 19 November 2023


Week 7: Monday, 20 November – Sunday, 26 November 2023


Week 8: Monday, 27 November – Sunday, 3 December 2023


Week 8: Monday, 27 November – Sunday, 3 December 2023



Looking Ahead 2023



January – February

March – May

With the exams just around the corner, followed by Service Week right after, please note that all issued Year 10 textbooks are to be returned preceding or straight after the exams starting on Monday, 13 November 2023 in Week 6A.

We will place marked crates for book returns:

Book hire will of course be open as well, with the opening hours noted below:

Monday to Friday – 8am-4pm.

All textbooks are due back Friday, 17 November 2023, especially since their classes conclude this week.

My apologies for the tight turnaround, however we want to ensure that the students have access to their textbooks for their exam studies.

Wishing our Year 10 students the best of luck in the exams!

Thank you for all your help :)

Book Returns Label

Click here to view the fixtures, training schedules and maps

Waverley College Cricket Parents and Sons Match – You’re Invited

The Waverley College Cricket Supporters’ Club cordially invite you to the annual Parents and Sons match.

All ages, Years 5-12. Kids, come beat the old people!

Cool prizes!

When: Wednesday, 29 November 2023, Queens Park, from 4:15pm.

Waverley College Cricket Supporters' Club annual Parent and Son match


Mr Steve O’Donnell

Director of Co-curricular

Christmas Appeal for the Matthew Talbot Hostel: Donations Requested

Matthew Talbot Hostel is a wonderful organisation helping over 35,000 Sydney men each year in providing accommodation, health, counselling and employment assistance. Waverley has had a long history of boys helping in its kiosk in Woolloomooloo, and strongly contributing towards making Christmas easier for those in need.

All boys from all Houses from Years 5-12 are encouraged to bring in toiletry and other items in order to be able to provide essential packs for the homeless and marginalised groups which the Matt Talbot Hostel provides assistance for.

This will run from Week 4 for the whole month of November. Tevlin House students have their Social Justice focus area in homelessness, and will be actively promoting the request to contribute items, and reflect the new Waverley theme of “stronger together, united as one.”

All donations can be brought into daily Mentor Groups, or to the Wellbeing Centre (Senior School), or Junior School Office.

Item list for Waverley Students to Bring in (please note these items must be new):

Toiletry Pack Items – small traveller size ideal (150 toiletry packs are distributed each fortnight to the men accessing services at MTH)

Many thanks for your support of this great appeal.

2023 Matthew Talbot Hostel Christmas Appeal poster


Mr John McCallum

Head of Tevlin House

Diary Dates

Please find below some reminders about upcoming events. For all of Term 4 events, please refer to the College calendar. 

Ms Jade Sparks – Everest Three-Passes Trek

I wanted to share the incredible trip that our 6 Blue teacher Ms Sparks journeyed on over the last month. Ms Sparks completed the Everest Three-Passes trek in Nepal. This was no small feat and I thought her story below was worth celebrating. 

Next week, I will share Charlie Barrett’s adventure (6 Gold) who also went to Nepal and completed the trek to base camp. 

Namaste! On the 30th September this year, I boarded an eight-hour flight to Singapore and then a five-hour flight to Kathmandu, landing in the early hours of the morning. I was greeted with a smack of heat and a buzz of human and car traffic, despite the time. In Kathmandu the next day, I met my World Expeditions leader and my fellow trek-mates, then we got on a bus to Ramechhap. After a breakdown and a swap of buses, we arrived safely at Ramechhap after six hours. Our first night at camp ended in the early hours of the following morning, when we woke in the dark to get to the airport for our final flight (18 minutes on something not much larger than a remote-controlled plane) to Lukla. 

Once in Lukla we finally started walking. And for 18 days we walked, up to eight hours every day. Each day, walking was different, but never flat. “Nepali flat” means “a little bit up, a little bit down.” The first of our three high passes was Kongma-La (elevation 5,550m) where we battled altitude and many steep climbs to get to the top. The way down was always a relief, but mostly a sense of accomplishment. The second of our high passes was the Cho-La (elevation 5,420m) which involved wearing ice cleats over our boots to trek up the glacier (imagine walking on a snow cone). Finally, the third high pass was the Renjo La (5,360m) which we conquered after staying at the beautiful Gokyo lakes. 

Gokyo Lakes

Gokyo Lakes

Nepal - one of the High Passes trails

Amidst the three passes, we climbed Kalla Pattar, went to Everest Base Camp, stayed in Wilderness Camps, visited the Sir Edmund Hillary School, stayed in the tiered village of Namche Bazaar, and saw incredible views of Sagamartha (Everest), Ama Dablam and so many more of the highest peaks in the world. In total we walked 170km and climbed a total elevation o 8,500m. I am so grateful I had this experience which was made possible by our World Expeditions leader, Sherpa guides, porters and cooks. 

Thank you to the support of the College and community whilst I was on leave in Nepal. I have returned more aware, grateful and fulfilled and I recommend traveling to Nepal to anyone who wishes to experience the stillness and serenity of the highest points on Earth, while being surrounded by some of the happiest people in the world. – Ms Jade Sparks

Nepal - top of Renjo La


Ms Gaby Bransby

Director of the Junior School


Year 6 Graduation – Monday, 4 December 2023 

Dear Parents and Carers,

You are all invited to the Year 6 Graduation on Monday, 4 December to acknowledge the end of your son’s primary school years. Please see the invitation below.

Year 6 Graduation invitation

Year 6 Graduation – Request for Photos

As part of the Year 6 Graduation, I will be putting together a slideshow presentation. I would be very appreciative if you could send through a photo of your son’s Kindergarten photo (or their first day of Kindergarten, or similar), as this will form part of the presentation. 

If you could please send a labelled photo through to by no later than Friday Week 5. Picture format as a jpeg or png file would be preferred. Please do not send through pdf files.


Mr Steve Ghattas

Assistant Director of Junior School/Identity & Student Formation


Summer Co-Curricular Sport

Round 10 Sport (Saturday, 4 November 2023)

Please refer to the link below to access the sports fixture for Round 10 this Saturday, 4 November. All adjustments to times and venues have been noted in red, please take note carefully.

>>> Click here to view the College Website: Junior School Sports Fixtures and Season Draw.


Mr Jack Wachtel

Assistant Director of Co-curricular


Term 4 Week 5 – Home Learning

We offer all students in Year 5 and Year 6 the opportunity to receive free additional support after school for the completion of home learning tasks. The afternoon sessions also provide a quiet, supervised study space for students who want to complete their assigned tasks.

Home Learning Club operates in the Learning Hub from 3pm – 4pm – Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays – during school term unless there is a scheduled Professional Development meeting and the club will be closed.   


Click here to register your son

Only register his name once to allow other students the opportunity to attend. The session is limited to 20 spots. There will be a roll call to ensure attendance.

Students are required to stay for the full session unless there is a message in the student diary requesting early leave, a parent’s signature will be required.


As it is important to respect the rights of others to learn and work, all students are expected to settle to work in the Learning Hub and not cause a disturbance for others.


If you require any further information, feel free to contact us.

An important note to remember, if afternoon training sessions are cancelled, unfortunately, you cannot send your son to Home Learning as an alternative plan, students are registered for the afternoon sessions in advance and the capacity is always reached.  

Try to avoid messaging your son during this period, unless it is urgent.


Hugh Rachel  

A shout out to Hugh Rachel (Year 5) for going above and beyond to get the latest Learning Hub books signed by the incredible author Suzanne Leal! And let me tell you, the new release, Running With Ivan, is an absolute page-turner! It’s a thrilling read that will have you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. Don’t miss out on this fantastic book.

Hugh Rachel - Junior School

Lunchtime Talk 

Monique Kalmar, actress and mum of Ashaan (Year 5), took us on a journey on why she became an actress. Monique’s insights and experiences were truly inspiring, and we are grateful for the opportunity to have learned from her.

Monique’s passion for acting and her dedication to her craft were evident in her life experiences, and the Junior School students were all captivated by the stories of her time in remote villages in developing countries.

Monique’s willingness to share her journey with us has left a lasting impression on our students, and I am confident that they have taken away valuable lessons from her talk.

Thank you for taking the time and for sharing your expertise with us.

Lunchtime Talk - Monique Kalmar, Junior School

Lunchtime Talk - Monique Kalmar, Junior School

Lunchtime Talk - Monique Kalmar, Junior School


Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Literacy & Innovation Teacher


News from 6 Blue and Ms Jade Sparks

This Term in English, our theme is “Life Is An Adventure,” a fitting topic for our last Term of Year 6 where change and adventure awaits our Year 6 students next year. We are immersing ourselves in a wide range of quality imaginative texts, through our own reading and being read to. We are exploring short stories (humorous and adventurous), particularly those of Australian authors, for example Paul Jennings and Oliver Phommavanh. 

One way of presenting short stories is through stop-motion films. We have viewed some examples of stop-motion films through Literacy Shed and examined the themes, imagery, emotion and effectiveness of each short story. This Term we will create several short film projects individually and in groups. Our focus is using creative visual literacy skills to develop stop-motion films that use characters and stories to engage audiences. 

See the images below of our creators at work, using their bodies to make a stop-motion film. We had to pay great attention to the shots and angles we used in order to create the illusion effect that is possible with stop-motion. For example, we could make our characters fly and flip in the air through a sequence of high-angle shots of someone lying on the ground.

6 Blue embraced the challenge and have now produced two high quality stop-motion films, with more to come.

6 Blue - stop-motion films

6 Blue - stop-motion films

6 Blue - stop-motion films

6 Blue - stop-motion films


Ms Jade Sparks

Teacher 6 Blue

The Orientation Day for students in Year 7, 2024 will be held on Tuesday, 7 November, 2023.

Please drop your son to the Birrell Street Basketball Courts at 8:30am. The boys will participate in a number of activities including:

Students are required to wear their PE Uniform on the day and bring the following:

The day will conclude at 2:50pm. Students will be dismissed from the Birrell Street Basketball Courts and collected by parents or carers or they can make their own way home if permission is granted.


Ms Gabby Smith

Deputy Principal – Students

All Souls Day – Thursday, 2 November

The month of November is traditionally a time in which the Catholic community remembers those who have died. It is related to the fact that the end of November is the end of the Liturgical Year, with a new year starting the First Sunday of Advent – the four-week period of preparation before Christmas.

The Church identifies November as a time to think of the end of life, and the great hope that our earthly end is a transition into a new life in God’s heaven. This month, we remember those who have gone before us, and we look with prayer and hope to their new life in heaven. 

Year 12 HSC 

Today is the last day of HSC ATAR exams for our Year 12s. Each day for the past four weeks, they have attended both morning and afternoon examinations for their respective subjects. We wish them all the very best as they now wait for their results and take the opportunity for a well-earned break, and perhaps a Christmas holiday job before starting their courses next year. We also wish those who have started apprenticeships all the best as they learn new practical and business skills in their respective fields.

Choral and Chamber Music Concert

On Tuesday night, I attended the Choral and Chamber Music Concert in the War Memorial Chapel, featuring the College Choir, Chamber Choir, Clarinet Ensemble, Brass Ensemble, Year 9 Rock Band, Chamber Music Ensemble, Guitar Ensemble, 2024 Music European Music Tour Choir and vocal and instrumental soloists.

The evening was a great success showcasing the amazing musical talent of our students to their parents, carers, staff and friends. Congratulations to everyone involved, the quality of music was very impressive.

Special thanks goes to Mr Chris Balkizas, Ms Jaz Dolso, Mrs Jazz De Witte, Mr Daniel Williams, Ms Keiran Kossenberg and our peripatetic staff.

2023 Choral and Chamber Music Concert

2023 Choral and Chamber Music Concert

2023 Choral and Chamber Music Concert

2023 Choral and Chamber Music Concert

2023 Choral and Chamber Music Concert

2023 Choral and Chamber Music Concert

2023 Choral and Chamber Music Concert

2023 Back to Waverley Day

Yesterday we celebrated ‘Back to Waverley Day,’ and welcomed our alumni who graduated 50 years or more ago. It was nice to honour our graduates from the year 1973.

We always look forward to welcoming Old Boys back to our growing campus, and this year we had 200 Old Boys from the years 1950-1973 in attendance.

Memories were shared and the gentlemen shared mass, morning tea, assembly and lunch together. We especially thank Dr Michael Hession, (Class of 1973) College Captain, for his moving address to the College during Assembly.

We also had the pleasure of seeing our Pasifika Group perform the Sasa (Samoa) and Haka (New Zealand) on stage. The performance was enjoyed by past and present students, as well as our invited Pasifika families and extended families. 

The 2024 Tour Jazz Ensemble delivered their delightful debut performance as a group, featuring the musical piece ‘Stolen Moments,’ originally composed by Oliver Nelson, arranged by Mike Kamuf, and conducted by Ms Jazz de Witte. 

2023 Back to Waverley Day

2023 Back to Waverley Day

2023 Back to Waverley Day

2023 Back to Waverley Day

2023 Back to Waverley Day

2023 Back to Waverley Day

Ken Brown (Class of 1950) showing his photo taken when he won the NSW Allschools Competition 880 yards. Students were cheering and giving him hi5 as he walked out of the Assembly.

Ken Brown (Class of 1950) showing his photo taken when he won the NSW Allschools Competition 880 yards. Students were cheering and giving him hi5 as he walked out of the Assembly.

Reminder – Year 10

Friday, 10 November 2023 will be the last day of class for Year 10 students.

Parents’ Association AGM

On behalf of the College, I would like to thank all parents/carers who have been involved in the work carried out by the Parents’ Association throughout 2023. Particular thanks to the tireless work of the Year level representatives, past parents representatives, clothing pool representatives, tuckshop volunteers, sport group committees and the executive, for all of their organisation, support and efforts in organising events and communicating across our community.

Thank you to the 2023 Executive: 

Acting President – Jade Stapleton/Louise Lakomy

Vice President – Lamya Sadi

Vice President – Daniella Strba

Secretary – Carl Lee

Treasurer – Peter Sertori.

Special thanks to Jade, Daniella and Lamya who are all stepping down from the executive after significant stints in their respective roles. We appreciate their service and dedication to assisting the Waverley College Community.

Jade Stapleton – Acting President

Daniella Strbac – Vice President

Lamya Sadi – Vice President.

From the recent November AGM, I would like to congratulate the following parents/carers on their elections to the Parents’ Association Executive for 2023-24, and I look forward to working with them in the new year.

Parent Executive 

President – Louise Lakomy

Vice President – Rozy Dorizas

Vice President – Mande Illec

Secretary – Carl Lee

Treasurer – Peter Sertori.

Parent Representatives

Year 5 – to be determined

Year 6 – Daniella Strbac, Nicole Perrin Draper

Year 7 – Kim Gould

Year 8 – Daniella Strbac, Anne Clerc-Johnson

Year 9 – Claire McGaffney, Eileen Trinca

Year 10 – Camille Owen, Teresa Fearn

Year 11 – Jade Stapleton

Year 12 – Tina Lee, Carl Lee

Clothing Pool – Kirsten Hott, Camille Owen.


>>> Click here to view the Parents’ Association page.

We have arranged a pre-camp zoom meeting next Monday, 6 November at 6:30pm for parents/carers and students where all necessary information and requirements leading up to the camp will be discussed.

Somerset staff will lead the meeting that will hopefully answer all queries and questions.

We will also be recording the meeting to send afterwards.

Zoom Details

The zoom link for the meeting is:

Meeting ID: 610 919 3815
Passcode: wav321


Mr Steve O’Donnell

Director of Co-curricular

Exam Updates

Congratulations to our HSC 2023 cohort who have completed their final examinations today. What a fantastic effort. I would also like to acknowledge within our community the students in Years 10 and 11 who volunteered their time to act as scribes for our HSC students who access disability provisions for their exams. While our 30 volunteers had the valuable experience of the HSC exam process, their leadership in supporting the HSC examinees in a kind and professional manner was really appreciated both by the HSC students and staff.

On the subject of exams, as parents and carers will be aware, students in Years 7-10 face the upcoming challenge of end of year examinations which commence for Years 7-9 next week and Year 10 in Week 6.  This crucial period can be both demanding and stressful for young learners.  

Here are some ways that parents and carers can help their son navigate their exam period successfully:

  1. Create a Quiet Study Environment: Ensure your child has a quiet and comfortable space to study. Minimise distractions, and make sure they have the necessary study materials within reach.
  2. Encourage Good Study Habits: Help your son establish a study routine. Encourage them to break their study sessions into manageable chunks and take short breaks to refresh.  
  3. Offer Emotional Support: Encourage your son to talk about any concerns, and be there to listen and offer reassurance. Remind them that it’s normal to feel nervous before exams.
  4. Healthy Lifestyle: Ensure your child gets enough sleep, eats well, and exercises. A healthy lifestyle can positively influence their concentration and performance during exams.
  5. Review and Quiz: Help them review and quiz themselves on the subject matter. Ask questions or provide prompts to test their knowledge.
  6. Celebrate Effort, Not Just Results: Emphasise the importance of hard work and effort, rather than solely focusing on grades.
  7. Stay Informed: Use the parent portal on TASS and CANVAS to monitor information about assessment tasks and important dates to ensure your child is adequately prepared. 
  8. Maintain a Balanced Perspective: Remind your son that exams are a part of their educational journey and help them to track their individual growth. Encourage them to do their best and remember their identity as a learner is not  defined by a single test or exam period. 
  9. Encourage your son to reflect on his strengths during the exam period. Is he well organised? Is he highly conceptual? Maybe he shows a good understanding of exam strategy? Every student comes into exam periods with different strengths and it’s worth observing these and bringing them to the attention of your son to foster his resilience for future tasks and exam periods. 

Study Skills Tip


Ms Lynsey Porter

(Acting) Deputy Principal, Teaching & Learning


Year 12 Engineering Studies Civil Structures Excursion

The art of engineering is all around us. We are lucky enough to live in a city where we have some of the world’s most iconic civil structures. Year 12 Engineering Studies students are studying about civil structures with a focus on bridges this Term. We therefore embarked on an appreciation excursion this week, taking an up close and personal look at our Sydney Harbour, Iron Cove and Anzac Bridge.

In preparation for one of next year’s transportation modules, we also analysed how modern ferry wharfs are designed for safe and efficient passenger use.

As everyday consumers of products and services, we often use them without truly appreciating the amount of considerations that go into the design and manufacturing processes. Engineering Studies at the College is therefore about seeing everything around us with a different perspective, ever appreciative of the history but always with an innovative mind on how we can continuously improve and support our ecosystem.

Yr12 Engineering Studies Civil Structures Excursion

Yr12 Engineering Studies Civil Structures Excursion

Yr12 Engineering Studies Civil Structures Excursion

Yr12 Engineering Studies Civil Structures Excursion

Yr12 Engineering Studies Civil Structures Excursion

Yr12 Engineering Studies Civil Structures Excursion


Ms Silvia Baylie

Engineering and Science Educator

Ecology Coordinator

Christmas Appeal for the Matthew Talbot Hostel: Donations Requested

Matthew Talbot Hostel is a wonderful organisation helping over 35,000 Sydney men each year in providing accommodation, health, counselling and employment assistance. Waverley has had a long history of boys helping in its kiosk in Woolloomooloo, and strongly contributing towards making Christmas easier for those in need.

All boys from all Houses from Years 5-12 are encouraged to bring in toiletry and other items in order to be able to provide essential packs for the homeless and marginalised groups which the Matt Talbot Hostel provides assistance for.

This will run from Week 4 for the whole month of November. Tevlin House students have their Social Justice focus area in homelessness, and will be actively promoting the request to contribute items, and reflect the new Waverley theme of “stronger together, united as one.”

All donations can be brought into daily Mentor Groups, or to the Wellbeing Centre (Senior School), or Junior School Office.

Artwork courtesy Matthew Talbot Hostel

Artwork courtesy Matthew Talbot Hostel

Item list for Waverley Students to Bring in (please note these items must be new):

Toiletry Pack Items – small traveller size ideal (150 toiletry packs are distributed each fortnight to the men accessing services at MTH)

Many thanks for your support of this great appeal.

2023 Matthew Talbot Hostel Christmas Appeal poster

Mr John McCallum

Head of Tevlin House

The local monthly magazine of the Eastern Suburbs The Beast has launched The Beast Young Writers Competition this month.

There will be two categories:

Anyone who lives in the area of The Beast’s distribution area and is aged 18 or under, is invited to enter.

The short stories need to be between 500-600 words and the poems need to be under 300 words. The only rule is that it needs to be original with local relevance, that hasn’t been entered in any other competition.

The judges will be Dr Marjorie O’Neill, Waverley Mayor Paula Masselos, Reddam House English Teacher Mr Compton, and Beast writers, including Nat Shepherd.

How to Enter

To enter, email your short story or poem to

Include your:

Prizes include $150 for 1st prize in each category and $50 for 2nd place.

Entries close on 30 November 2023 and winners will be announced in The Beast magazine before Christmas.

Remembrance Day is an opportunity for our College community to come together and reflect on the blessings of our lives; blessings that are possible because of the altruism of our servicemen and women in the defence of our country.

On Friday, 10 November, the Cadet Unit is proud to conduct Ceremonial Parades for both Waverley College and St Catherine’s School at 10:45am, and on Saturday, 11 November, our Catafalque Party and Flag Bearers will be assisting Waverley Council with their service in Waverley Park.

We thank the following cadets for their service to the community and for their many hours of rehearsal.

 Oliver BRACIC
Daniela COMINO
 James GRANT
Natalie HA
 Yannick HOTT
 Lachlan HOY
 Lachlan JONES
 Blake KHOR
Georgina KIMPTON
 Ethan OOI
Abigail SALEM
Amelie SALEM
 Benjamin WEBB