Below are all the Conversations, News Posts, Events and Information Posts for the Academic category.
The cut-off time to register for morning tutorials is 3pm the day prior
Open: Monday to Friday, 8am - 4pm. Closed: Monday, 2 October 2023 (Public Holiday).
Pathways to your dream degree, five steps to managing HSC stress, vocational qualifications, careers in NSW Ambulance Service and NSW...
Career opportunities at Harry the Hirer, ATAR myths busted, careers in climate science, careers in sports, careers created by AI,...
Students of the World Ecology Group (SOTWEG) news
Academic, Beliefs & Life,
Register now
Book Fair Australia invites Junior and Senior School authors to write a short story featuring this year’s mascot, Lamington. Entries...
Would you take on the challenge of building an Ornithopter? Read about our mechanical flying bird!
Read about the new Mathematics curriculum, commencing 2024
UAC key date reminders, career webinars, University of Wollongong Cyber Academy, Sydney College of the Arts Portfolio Evening
The Impact of SBT, Engineering innovation – Waverley students build artificial hands, HSC Art and Design Showcase 2023, SLR Incursion
Register now for free!
UAC key date reminders, university Open Days, career webinars, apprenticeships, traineeships, cadetships
Are you a student interested in global politics, public speaking and debating? Read more
HSC Preparation Program, Year 12 Revision Webinars, YES (Young Entrepreneur Summit) and more
11 books to give away!
National Science Week is coming!
University and TAFE Open Days, Sydney Careers and Employment Expo, ATAR information, Co-op Scholarships, VET pathways, HSC and tertiary preparation...
Bookings essential
Two prestigious competitions – entries close soon!
Pose your questions to special guests from HMAS Watson
Practical tips for starting your career journey, TAFE and university Open Days, apprenticeships, studying in the US
Follow @waverleycollege on Instagram and Facebook
Academic, Administration, Archives, Beliefs & Life, Community, Creative Arts, Extra-Curricular, Past Events, Past News, Sport, Technology & Facilities, Wellbeing,
University early entry programs and Open Days, scholarships, 2023 medical entry, Qantas Recruitment Drive
Read about Lachlan Miranda's extraordinary representation of Waverley College and Coogee electorate
Academic, Community, Wellbeing,
Test your knowledge with the ultimate HSC quiz!
Term 3 Professional Learning Day
Early entry programs, careers webinars, scholarships, VET pathways to university
View dates and links
Read more to learn what to bring on the day
Applications close Monday, 31 July 2023